Dessert Recipes Using Cacao Butter
Dessert Recipes Using Cacao Butter. Unlike processed chocolate, cacao (and cacao nibs, which are basically chopped up cacao beans) in its raw form is full of antioxidants, magnesium If you want to know what to do with cacao nibs besides just sprinkling them on top of your morning yogurt, check out these nine sweet cacao nibs recipes. In this post, we cover everything cacao related: what it is, cocoa vs cacao, raw cacao powder recipes and how to use the raw cacao butter.

Next time your craving a sweet treat or feel that dessert craving kicking in, give one of these incredible paleo dessert recipes a try!
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We've got plenty of sweet, indulgent recipes filled with the creamy spread, including cakes, sandwiches, smoothies and more. How Sweet Eats recreates your childhood dreams with this oversized berry pop tart. The mayo helps make it moist and rich.
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